Creating a US-Israel Cycle of Academic Excellence Program

Creating a US-Israel Cycle of Academic Excellence Program

Master of Ceremonies

Galit Yovel, Head, School of Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv University

Opening remarks

Joseph Klafter, President, Tel Aviv University
Eric J. Gertler, Trustee, Zuckerman Institute


Why Israel? Researching in Israel compared to researching at a leading university abroad

Mordechai (Moti) Segev, Robert J. Shillman Distinguished Professor of Physics, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology


Presentations by Zuckerman Scholars

Yoav Shechtman, Zuckerman Faculty Scholar, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology
Sarah Kostinski, Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Grace Smarsh, Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholar, Tel Aviv University


Coffee and refreshments


Science communication

Part 1: Enhancing science communication in the era of new media

Announcement of new Zuckerman Institute-Alda Center Scholars Project in Israel

Laura Lindenfeld, Director, Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science and Professor, School of Journalism at Stony Brook University

Part 2: What is the right source for science news?

Thomas Levenson, Professor, MIT Graduate Program in Science Writing, and award-winning producer on NOVA, PBS’s prime-time science series

Q and A
Laura Lindenfeld and Thomas Levenson, responders


Presentations by Zuckerman Scholars

Ivy Curren, Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholar, Weizmann Institute of Science
Itay Tirosh, Zuckerman Faculty Scholar, Weizmann Institute of Science
Danny Ben-Zvi, Zuckerman Faculty Scholar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


From laboratory to industry – panel discussion

Yoav Henis, Vice President for Research and Development, Tel Aviv University, and a leader in the Cancer Biophysics field at TAU’s Department of Neurobiology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences
Yossi Vardi, Israel’s first high-tech entrepreneur. Co-founded, led, funded and helped build more than 80 high-tech companies.
David Mendlovic, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering-Physical Electronics, Tel Aviv University, and founder of several startup companies


Closing remarks

Peretz Lavie, President, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology
James S. Gertler, Trustee, Zuckerman Institute


Light lunch