Postdoc positions at Participating Israeli Universities

Post-doc position in Structural Systems and Synthetic Biology in the Levy Lab
The Levy Lab
Department of Structural Biology
Weizmann Institute of Science
For more information contact:
Emmanuel Levy

Post-doc position in Structural Systems and Synthetic Biology in the Levy Lab

We’re looking for two highly motivated postdocs to join our interdisciplinary lab. The overarching goal of our research is to characterize general principles by which proteins self-organize in space and time. In this endeavor, we develop computational as well as experimental approaches and bridge different fields of biology, which include:

  • Structural Bioinformatics and Protein Networks
  • Structural Biology & Biochemistry
  • Yeast Biology and Lab Automation
  • Synthetic Biology and Protein Design
  • Protein and Proteome Evolution
  • High-throughput Confocal Microscopy

Examples of projects include the design of protein condensates with unique functions and tunable phenotypes, the creation of chaperones based on non-chaperone proteins, or characterizing protein evolution across 1,000 yeast strains.

Our lab is an outstanding place to transition from wet-to-dry or dry-to-wet work.

The ideal candidate should be curious and independent with strong analytical skills and have a Ph.D. in biological sciences (wet- and/or dry), chemistry, or physics.

If interested, get in touch by email ([email protected]), and explain your motivation to join our lab.

Heidenreich et al.
Designer protein assemblies with tunable phase diagrams in living cells.

Dubreuil et al.
Protein abundance biases the amino-acid composition of disordered regions to minimize non-functional interactions.
J. Mol. Biol.

Dubreuil et al.
YeastRGB: Comparing the abundance and localization of yeast proteins across cells and libraries.
Nucleic Acids Res.

Meurer M et al.
A genome-wide resource for high-throughput genomic tagging of yeast ORFs.
Nature Methods.

Dey S et al.
PDB-wide identification of biological assemblies from conserved quaternary structure geometry.
Nature Methods

Garcia-Seisdedos et al.
Proteins evolve on the edge of supramolecular self-assembly.
Nature. 2017