Postdoc positions at Participating Israeli Universities

Department of Molecular Biology
Ariel University
For more information contact:
Dr. Tamar Yulzary-Listovsky

Post-Doctoral position in MAD2L2’s Role in Mitotic Regulation at the Group of Dr. Tamar Yulzary-Listovsky.

Description of the lab

The group is interested in early mitotic events which regulate the Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C). MAD2L2 is a key protein for mitotic APC/C regulation, DNA damage tolerance (TLS) and other various cellular pathways. We explore MAD2L2’s preferential complexes formation and its interactome in different pathways. We aim to gain

better understanding on central cellular functions and tumorigenesis. We discovered a new TLS inhibitor that we are currently developing for improving chemotherapy treatments.

Post requirements

Love science, be curious, motivated and friendly. Molecular and cellular biology is an advantage but not a must!

How to apply:

Send to [email protected] the following:

  • A Cover Letter
  • A CV including a list of publications
  • Contact information of 2-3 potential referees
  • 2-3 Recommendation letters