Postdoc positions at Participating Israeli Universities

Postdoc position at Ron-Harel Lab
Ron-Harel Lab
Faculty of Biology
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
For more information contact:
Noga Ron-Harel

Postdoc position at Ron-Harel Lab

We investigate how cellular metabolism regulates T cell activation and effector function, and are especially interested in defining the metabolic hurdles limiting T cell immunity in aged individuals. Our research takes a multidisciplinary approach combining biochemistry, molecular biology and in-vivo mouse studies and use a variety of models including cancer immunotherapy, vaccination, and infection.

We are looking for a highly collaborative and motivated postdoctoral fellow with a PhD in related fields (Immunology / Metabolism / Biology of Aging). Interested candidates are welcome to send their CVs and cover letter.

Recent publications:

  • Noga Ron-Harel, Jonathan Ghergurovich, Giulia Notarangelo, Martin W LaFleur, Yoshiki Tsubosaka, Arlene H. Sharpe, Joshua D. Rabinowitz and Marcia C. Haigis. “T cell activation depends on cellular alanine”. (Cell Reports, 2019, 28(12), 3011-3021.e4).
  • Noga Ron-Harel, Giulia Notarangelo, Jonathan Ghergurovich, Joao A. Paulo, Peter T. Sage, Daniel Santos, F. Kyle Satterstrom, Steven Gygi, Joshua D. Rabinowitz, Arlene H. Sharpe and Marcia C. Haigis. “Defective respiration and one-carbon metabolism contribute to impaired naïve T cell function in aged mice”. (PNAS, 2018, 115(52), 13347-13352).
  • Noga Ron-Harel, Daniel Santos, Jonathan Ghergurovich, Peter T. Sage, Anita Reddy, Scott B. Lovitch, Noah Dephoure, F. Kyle Satterstrom, Michal Sheffer, Jessica B. Spinelli, Steven Gygi, Joshua D. Rabinowitz, Arlene H. Sharpe and Marcia C. Haigis. “Mitochondrial biogenesis and proteome remodeling promote one-carbon metabolism for T cell activation” (Cell Metabolism, 2016 24(1): 104-117)- featured article.

Highlighted in the Editor’s Choice section by Science (Science, 2016, 353(6299) pp. 554).

  • Noga Ron-Harel, Arlene H. Sharpe and Marcia C. Haigis. “Mitochondrial Metabolism in T cell activation and senescence” Gerontology, 2015 61(2): 131-8.

Contact details
[email protected]