Postdoc positions at Participating Israeli Universities

Postdoc position at Schraga Schwarts Lab
Schraga Schwartz Lab
Weizmann Institute of Science
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Schraga Schwartz

Postdoc position at Schraga Schwarts Lab

RNA is modified by >100 chemical modifications. These modifications are, in some cases, highly ubiquitous, conserved and dynamically regulated in mRNA, imposing a unique and uncharacterized regulatory code. Our lab aims to crack this code, and understand how modifications on mRNA direct gene expression programs and cell state decisions. Our lab bridges experimental and computational aspects of biological research, combining genomic, genetic and biochemical approaches with tailored computational ones (Safra et al, Nature, 2017; Garcia-Campos et al, Cell, 2019; Sas-Chen et al, Nature, 2020).
We are currently seeking to hire enthusiastic, motivated and skilled individuals, with experimental and/or computational expertise, to decipher nature’s most closely guarded secrets. If interested, please contact us with a description of your background and interests.