Postdoc positions at Participating Israeli Universities

Postdoc position available for a new European Horizon 2020 research project
Marine Community Ecology Lab
National Institute of Oceanography, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR)
University of Haifa
For more information contact:
Dr. Gil Rilov

Postdoc position available for a new European Horizon 2020 research project

Excellent postdoc wanted for a new European Horizon 2020 research project on impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services as well as assessment of adaptation potential and Nature Based Solutions. The work involves diving in different Mediterranean and northeast Atlantic coastal areas, conducting mesocosm experiments, producing ecological models and working on large datasets. Some socioeconomic aspects may be included.

Required experience

  • High quality PhD in biology or marine science
  • High proficiency in data analysis and statistics
  • Lab work experience
  • Diving experience
  • Creativity and independence
  • The job is positioned in Haifa, Israel but involves much traveling.

Interested candidates please send your CV, university grades and recommendation letters to Dr. Gil Rilov at [email protected]