Postdoc positions at Participating Israeli Universities

Postdoc position in geochemistry
Torfstein Lab
Institute of Earth Sciences
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
For more information contact:
Prof. Adi Torfstein

Postdoc position in geochemistry

We are looking to recruit a postdoc in the field of geochemistry / marine chemistry for an interdisciplinary study of marine biogeochemical cycles in oligotrophic environments. The study will focus on cycles of trace elements and their isotopes in the Red Sea and East Mediterranean, and could also include an investigation of marine sediment downcore records, proximal to the main study sites.

Candidates should have a PhD in geology, geochemistry, oceanography, or an equivalent discipline, with a strong background and previous experience in isotope geochemistry and mass-spectrometry.

Interested candidates are requested to send their CV, university grades and list of potential references to Prof. Adi Torfstein ([email protected]).

Contact details:
Lab website:

Prof. Adi Torfstein
Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
and InterUniversity Institute for Marine Sciences, Eilat, Israel
[email protected]