Postdoc positions at Participating Israeli Universities

Two ERC-funded Postdoc positions available
Zeisel Lab
Biotechnology and Food Engineering
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
For more information contact:
Dr. Amit Zeisel

Two ERC-funded Postdoc positions available

The Single Cell Molecular Neurobiology lab at Technion is growing and we currently have openings for two ERC-funded Post docs. The lab uses advanced high-throughput genomics data to tackle problems in neuroscience using the mouse as animal model. We thrive at the intersection of molecular- and neurobiology, technology development and computer science, so if you do too, join us!

Suitable candidates hold, or are about to obtain, a PhD, are eager to lead their project independently, as much as in collaboration with others and have strong, creative problem-solving skills. You are going to lead our ERC Start Up funded project towards a systematic approach to resolve nervous system computation at the level of its cellular building blocks.

Candidate 1 – Computational: This project involves development and application of machine learning tools for large-scale single-cell RNAseq data.

Your profile: Candidates should be fluent programmers with a quantitative background such as engineering, physics or computer science. We highly value proven experience in analysis of biological data and knowledge in machine learning tools. If neuroscience excites you, you’ve come to the right place.

Candidate 2 – Experimental: This project involves developing strategies to study neuronal connectivity at the single cell level in mice. Methods include engineered viruses and single cell RNAseq.

Your profile: Candidates must have experience in neurobiology, including animal work (mouse/rat) and be familiar with molecular and cell biology techniques. Experience with stereotactic surgeries, virus work, NGS and basic analysis skills are of advantage.

Our lab offers excellent research facilities. We are affiliated with the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering and located at the Lorry I. Lokey Multidisciplinary Center. Visit us at and address your CV and statement of interest to [email protected]