Dr. Marat Freytsis

Dr. Marat Freytsis
Dr. Marat Freytsis
Postdoctoral Scholar
2018-2019 Cohort
Tel Aviv University
Department of Physics

Dr. Freytsis’ PhD in Physics is from the University of California, Berkeley. Since then he has done postdoctoral research both at Harvard and at the University of Oregon. His work is driven by a desire to make the most of the new data becoming available in high-energy particle physics. Involved in a number of projects bringing together theorists and experimentalists from all the major proton-proton experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research near Geneva, Switzerland, he plans to continue these collaborations at Tel Aviv, in the Department of Physics. He will be learning how to best take advantage of precision observables at hadron colliders by developing new calculational and analysis tools, with a focus on, as he puts it, “making sure that our theoretical understanding is capable of providing the agile, precise handles necessary to better discern the building blocks of our reality.… Future detector performance and theoretical precision need to [be closely aligned in order] to achieve maximal insight.” He is a native Russian and English speaker who has working proficiency in French as well.