Maayan Pour

Maayan Pour
Maayan Pour
New York University

Maayan Pour, a Zuckerman-CHE Israeli Postdoctoral Researcher at New York University, is committed to advancing other women in STEM. In addition to being a postdoctoral scholar, she is a Mentoring Program Associate at Wiser, a volunteer mentorship program for Israeli women postdocs that was started by female postdocs in 2020, and run by postdocs and senior researchers. Wiser connects Israeli women postdocs in all academic fields with researchers/PIs based at Israeli universities, creating a mentoring relationship that provides informal support and guidance during the postdoc period. This includes one-on-one mentoring, special events, and a library of relevant materials. Wiser’s goal is to increase the number of Israeli women who successfully complete postdoctoral training and transition to impactful academic or industrial positions. The Zuckerman Institute is proud to support this important initiative, and invites other organizations to join in supporting Wiser.