Neta Shlezinger

Neta Shlezinger
Neta Shlezinger
New research published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Zuckerman Faculty Scholar Neta Shlezinger’s article on fungal viruses published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

Paper abstract:
Viruses are unanimously omnipresent in the biosphere. While fungi are a major cause of human, animal, and plant disease, they too can be infected by viruses. Mycoviruses are viruses that use the fungal molecular machinery for self-replication and sustainability and are widespread in the fungal kingdom, infecting over 20% of tested isolates. While some mycoviral infections are benign, there are examples of mycoviruses having both beneficial and detrimental effects on their fungal host. This article focuses on favorable mycovirus-fungus interactions, and proposes that mycoviruses hijack fungal survival pathways and modify fungal virulence and host adaptation.