

Israeli University Postdoc Track:
Postdoctoral scholars receive a scholarship of $63,000 per academic year for up to two years
. Of this amount:

  • $60,000 is provided by the Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program, of which:
    ➜ $51,600 divided into monthly payments of $4,300 for living expenses.
    ➜ $8,400 towards relocation reimbursement for the first year. Includes:
    ▹ One round trip economy-class ticket to Israel
    ▹ Hotel accommodation in Israel – up to 14 nights (maximum $250 per night)
    ▹ The remainder may be used to purchase research equipment.
    ➜ $8,400 towards research and travel to professional conferences for the second year.
  • An additional $3,000 in research funds is directed annually to scholars through their supervisors at their Israeli universities.



Joint North American-Israel Postdoc Track:
Joint Postdoctoral scholars receive a scholarship of $63,000 per academic year for up to two years. Of this amount:

  • $60,000 is provided by the Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program, of which:
    ➜ $51,600 divided into monthly payments of $4,300 for living expenses.
    This is based on the provision that the scholar be present and conducting research at the Israeli university for at least six months per year.
    ➜ $8,400 towards relocation reimbursement, provided they will stay in Israel minimum one year. Includes:
    ▹ One round trip economy-class ticket to Israel
    ▹ Hotel accommodation in Israel – up to 14 nights (maximum $250 per night)
    ▹ The remainder may be used to purchase research equipment.
    ➜ $8,400 towards research and travel to professional conferences for the second year (provided the Postdoc stayed in Israel at least six months out of the twelve months).
  • An additional $3,000 in research funds is directed annually to scholars through their supervisors at their Israeli universities.

Another $8,000 for research and travel to professional conferences is provided directly to the scholar by their US or Canadian university, but scholars must apply to the US or Canadian university to receive the stipend, and show a letter from that university confirming this support. Please note that the US or Canadian university may provide other supplemental funding for living expenses as well.